Ngunnawal Country
Australian Capital Territory
The Collegians Centre is a new multi-function facility at Radford College that provides flexible spaces that can be used for indoor sport, school assembly, day to day classes, training and other educational activities. As a facility and as a building, the Collegians Centre forms the centrepiece of the developing sports precinct at the eastern edge of the campus, and it also defines the campus public face on College Street. Engineering solutions are combined with a finely tuned interior design to create legible and elegant spaces that are highly functional, durable, and will contribute to the promotion of an inclusive, safe, healthy, and stimulating learning environment.
Marcus Graham, Principal
Igor Kochovski, Project Architect
Matt Foong, Architect
Marney Burns, Interior Designer
Kathreen Suarez, Interior Designer
Nicolas Lucchesi, Graduate of Architecture
Jonathan Le Chung, Graduate of Architecture
ACOR Rudds, Acoustic Consultant
ACOR Rudds, Electrical Consultant
ACOR Rudds, Hydraulic Consultant
Arrow Projects, Project Manager
Cardno, Civil Consultant
CBS Building Surveyors, Access Consultant & BCA Certifier
Envirolinks, Landscape Consultant
Lit Consulting, Fire Safety Engineer
Sellick Consultants, Structural Engineer
The Australian Institute of Architects acknowledges First Nations peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the lands, waters, and skies of the continent now called Australia.
We express our gratitude to their Elders and Knowledge Holders whose wisdom, actions and knowledge have kept culture alive.
We recognise First Nations peoples as the first architects and builders. We appreciate their continuing work on Country from pre-invasion times to contemporary First Nations architects, and respect their rights to continue to care for Country.